pirmadienis, gegužės 21

Apie Mark Gungor, tiesmukiškumą, žodžius ir žmones

Kai šiandien draugei vienu sakiniu (o gal pora žodžių? o gal tik atodūsiu?..) išreiškiau nusivylimą, kad darbdavys biški apsuko ir savaitę pradirbau nemokamai, tai sulaukiau pašaipios tirados, kad man viskas ale nepatinka, kad apskritai reikia džiaugtis, kad darbą turiu. Ir įstrigo. Skubiai su ta drauge atsisveikinau, grįžau į kambarį ir užsirakinau duris. Kad nelandžiotų. Nes nu jomajo, aš ir džiaugiuos, kad darbą turiu, bet tai ar tikrai turėčiau jaustis dėkinga ir šokinėt iš laimės, kad apgavo? Nežinau, ar čia nepagalvojus draugė leptelėjo, ar nuotaikos nebuvo, ar tikrai ji čia jokios priežasties dūsaut nemato, bet tai pradedu nemėgt tokių tiesmukų, netaktiškų žmogų.

Grįžus į kambarį prisiminiau anądien dar kartą žiūrėtą Mark Gungor "Laugh your way to a better marriage" video, kurį karts nuo karto su draugu pažiūrim. Dėl konteksto, tai tas Mark Gungor - pastorius Amerikoje, kuris dabar dažnai važinėja po pasaulį ir veda "Laugh your way to a better mariage" seminarus, kurių metu dalinasi savo įžvalgomis apie vyro ir moters skirtumus, santykius, seksą ir tai, kaip nenužudyti savo sutuoktinio. Viskas per juokų prizmę ir man visas tas video labai patinka. Ir mano vaikinui patinka. Žodžiu, geras dalykas, būtinai pažiūrėk.

Tai va, viename iš to video dalių M.Gungor pristato savo su kolega kurtą "The flag page" - tokią programą - testą, kažką panašaus į asmenybės testus. To "the flag page" testo esmė, kad atlikus 3 žingsnių trumpą testuką, programa parodo tavo charakterio tipą ir išryškina dalykus, kurie labiausiai tave žavi gyvenime, kam jauti didžiausią aistrą ir apskritai, kas tau svarbiausia. Pvz., charakterio tipai yra 4: control person (šūkis "let's get it done!", didžiausias troškimas - būti įvertintam už savo pasiekimus), fun person (tas, kuriam svarbiausia geros emocijos, daug juoko ir nuotykių, o didžiausias jo troškimas - būti dėmesio centre), perfect person (šokis "let's get it right!", didžiausias troškimas - kad kiti būtų atidūs perfect person jausmams, emocijoms, išgyvenimams) ir peace person, kuriam ramybė ir taika yra svarbiausia, jis trokšta būti gerbiamas ir vertinamas dėl to, koks jis yra, nekenčia, kai jį kažkas nori pakeisti.

Ką noriu pasakyti, kad nors pati to M. Gungor testo dar nedariau - visgi kainuoja, tačiau žiūrėdama video, kur pastorius pasakoja apie tą testą ir jo rezultatus, supratau, kad pati esu perfect person.

Ir štai, ką Mark Gungor sako apie tokius žmones:

Perfect Country’s diamond shaped land represents these residents because they long for perfection with an inborn need to be precise and exact in all that they do. The train on the track is the vehicle of Perfect people because they want predictability and to know that they are going somewhere specific. If the rails are not exactly in the right place, the train cannot go forward. Perfect people are known for “stopping the train” if things aren’t just right. As a result, they are frequently confused with Control people and often hear, “You are such a control freak!” They, however, do not desire control of their environment like the residents of Control Country. In fact, when you accuse a Control resident of being in control – they usually smile and agree with you. When you accuse a Perfect resident of trying to be in control, they feel insulted. They are not trying to control things; rather, they desire that everything be right before proceeding. In Perfect Country, the residents can’t stand it when things are wrong. They want to “get it right” under all circumstances. While Control people desire appreciation and Fun people want to be noticed, the residents of Perfect crave order and structure. These people are very good with details and tend to be great artists, writers, poets, inventors and so on. They are very creative and sensitive and will warmly accept you if you use the words they long to hear because you are then speaking their language. Using these words will give Perfect people their deepest need - sensitivity to their feelings.
These people are always looking for flaws. Their way of saying "I love you" is "let me tell you what's wrong with you". :D This is their version of love. If they did not care, they would let you to just burst in the flames - they would not care. But they love you, so they always pointing out what's wrong with you, how you can be better. 

They get their feelings hurt all the time and they feel things very very deeply. And a lot of them cary out hurts and pain for years and some of them for the rest of their lives. They very very sensitive people. 

Va, paskutinis sakinys viską pasako. Jau man taip įstringa, ir jau niekad nepamiršiu. Noriu nenoriu, taip jau būna....


Na, o įdomumo dėlei dar įkeliu į kitų žmonių tipų aprašymus. Savaime suprantama, tu nebūtinai turi būti TIK perfect, ar TIK fun, gali turėti to, ir to, o gal ir visų keturių tipų bruožų po vienodai. Šiuose paveiksliukuose tik tokie bendriausi pavyzdžiai, o jei nori grynai savo, apsilankyk anksčiau minėtame "The flag page" ir padaryk testuką. :) Ir nepamiršk tada pasidalinti įspūdžiais  - koks tavo tipas?!

Peace Country is a cloud shape land – a land where you find harmony and cooperation. Just as clouds move along at a leisurely pace, so do the residents of Peace Country. When war breaks out between the other Countries, Peace people quickly find a place to hide. When the bullets stop flying, they appear once again and quickly ally themselves with the winner. To these people, what truly matters, is that we all get along.
Peace people believe that it is necessary for everyone to get along in order to obtain a stress free lifestyle without conflict. The cartoon shows a resident of a Peace country lying n the hammock while mowing the lawn. This is a picture of efficiency because these people are about low energy output while still getting work done. They have very good social skills since they are so willing to be cooperative. Peace people don't do well in the conflict and their deepest need is to gain respect for who they are...no questions asked.

The shape of their land represents their hard and very direct way. The people of Control Country share the belief that it is necessary to control their own environment. Their favorite vehicle is the bulldozer. They love to make a way where there is no way, while they move on to higher and greater accomplishments. The down side? They can sometimes plow over the people closest to them, and they are often totally oblivious to the fact they are doing it until the people around them cry out from their flattened position, “Hey, you’re killing me!” The Control person may take notice, but will most likely respond, “Yeah, but look at what I’ve accomplished!”

The star symbolizes Fun people’s desire to perform and be the star of the show. Our battle cry is: Have Fun! The jet plane is our symbol for high speed and no limits. Unfortunately, we have been known to smash into brick walls from time to time. Others around us may ask, “Why were you going so fast?” “Why do you take such stupid risks?” But no matter what reasonable question is posed to us, the answer is always the same, “Because it was fun!”. You look at Fun people and you feel their desire "look at me, look at me, loooook at meeeeeeeeee!".
These people have a strong need to be with people because they don't like being alone. They want to be light hearted, likable and they have a sense of a humor about most things. All they ask is for you to give them approval for the way they act; their strongest need in life.

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